Gender and IWRM

Gender and IWRM

Advancing towards gender mainstreaming in water resources management

In 2020-21, the SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme carried out a study in order to understand the bottlenecks to acceleration on this topic, as well as showcasing and disseminating a range of practices that have been implemented around the world, highlighting common gaps, challenges and constraints, and key enabling factors, and providing recommendations on how to strengthen current practices.  A first draft was prepared and underwent a consultation process to capture feedback from national and local governments, international development partners, non-governmental organisations, academic institutions, and any other interested party, on how best to achieve gender mainstreaming in IWRM. The findings are published in a report on “Advancing towards gender mainstreaming in water resources management” available here for download. A Policy Brief  summarising the main findings and recommendations of the report was also published and is available for download here.

Check out the interview with the authors of the report to learn more about the findings of the study:

Abstract and study at :