Research supported by the "Water for All" Chair

Research to shed light on the management of public water and sanitation services in cities in developing and emerging countries.

Research actions supported in 2021-2024

Overcoming Institutional and Organizational Barriers to Urban Sanitation Development

A research grounded in the field

The Chair supports scientific production based on case studies, embedded in the management problems encountered by urban sanitation stakeholders.

Research monitoring

The Chair’s research actions are designed and implemented by AgroParisTech within its UMR Gestion de l’Eau Acteurs Usages (

The orientation of these projects is subject to the opinion of a scientific council made up of competent scientific personalities and validated by the Chair’s Strategic Orientation Council.

The members of the Chair’s scientific council are :
Pierre Bauby (Fondation Jean Jaurès), Sarah Botton (AFD), Lætitia Guérin (INRAE, UMR GEAU), Pierre-Louis Maraux (CIRAD, UMR GEAU), Claude Ménard (Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne), Marie-Hélène Zérah (IRD, CSH), Thierry Rieu (UMR GEAU).

The scientific council is chaired by Thierry Rieu, water resource economist, research fellow at UMR GEAU.

The scientific meetings of the Chair

The Chair organizes days of exchange and reflection between researchers and professionals in the sector, which are open to all.

5th Scientific meeting: June 5 and 6, 2024

5th Scientific workshop of the AgroParisTech-Suez Chair : call for papers

October 24 2023

Topic: How is climate change adaptation transforming water and sanitation services, governance, management and design? A focus on African cities.
Accra – Ghana, June 5 and 6, 2024.

Scientific workshops organized by the ‘Water for All’ Chair bring together urban water utilities managers, experts and scholars to think about what would be the right path for further research and actions to stay on track to reach the SDGs. The 4th scientific workshop was held in 2021 and explored how to overcome institutional and organizational barriers to sanitation (Colon, Rieu, 2022).

The need to devote the 5th edition to the broader challenge of provision of water and sanitation services in the light of accelerating climate change seems quite obvious. For the first time, the seminar will be held in Africa, to foster participation of water stakeholders based in this continent and case studies from African studies.

The Scientific Committee invites participants to submit short papers on innovative work exploring the theme of the workshop and to open discussions. Please download the call for papers at the bottom of this page. We welcome data driven research and pluridisciplinary approaches. The deadline to submit short papers and draft posters is reported to December 10, 2023!

The following (but not exclusive) questions may be addressed:

  • What do we know about the impact of climate change at the local scale?
  • How to adapt existing urban water systems?
  • How to adapt water utilities management and water sector governance?

Dead-line for short paper submission: December 10,2023

Call for paper

Supported actions and publications

Institutional change for the development of urban sanitation in the Global South: A social science review

Héloïse Valette and Dr. Marine Colon

To read the full article

Calls for Proposals

None at the moment

Research work supported by the Chair

Post Doc:

2020 : Héloise Valette, institutional framework for the development of sanitation

Support for Master’s internships:

2017: Prize to Amal Ennabih

2010: In partnership with the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (Uganda) :

Marine Colon: “Incentive mechanisms in the African public sector: the experience of public water services in Ugandan cities”- Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense (dir. Michel Nakhla)

Alice Laporte-Vergnes: “Evaluation of a water access policy in the slums of Kampala”- Cranfield University (dir Richard Franceys)

Julie Plessis: “Training needs of water service managers” – Cranfield University (dir Richard Franceys)

Julie Mons: “Strategies to combat water losses in water services in the South, the case of Kampala”- Cranfield University, ENGEES (dir Ri-chard Franceys)

Thesis support:

2018-2019 – Amal Ennabih

“An innovation policy between international transfer, national display and local government: wastewater reuse in Maroc and Tunisia”

(dir Gilles Massardier) CNRS Triangle

2011-2014 – Marine Colon

“Performance contracts in the Ugandan urban water sector, structures of the materialization of the market logic and institutional work support, Management”

AgroParisTech, 2014. French.

2013 – Papa Samba Diop

University of Cheikh Anti Diop

List of publications and other productions

2022: Research articles

Amadou Mouctar DIALLO – Master 2 research internship in the social sciences of water

“City-wide inclusive sanitation in practice: how is on-site sanitation management in Acca, Ghana, taken into account?

Eduardo GÓMEZ JIMÉNEZ – MSc research internship in social sciences of water

“Multiple-usa water services in rural semi-arid areas of Mozambique: a sustainable and equitable solution?”

Articles Dowload link




2020: educational films on sanitation

Sanitation and its challenges

The sanitation utility and its operators
2018: Special Issue in Utilities Policy: Sanitation and wastewater Edited by Claude Ménard

2016 : Proceedings of the 3rd scientific meeting of the Chair, Sanitation and its stakes, Amal ENNABIH, Claude MENARD and Thierry RIEU (eds), Notes tech-niques, n°42, 61 p, AFD. issn : 2492-2838

Based on work that has received financial support from the Chair:

Marine Colon, 2018, Le contrôle de gestion dans l’ana-lyse institutionnelle – les contrats de performance dans le secteur de l’eau ougandais, Presse des Mines.

Marine Colon, Silver Mugisha. 2018, Internal Perfor-mance Contracts: A Case of the National Water and Sewerage Corporation in Uganda. Jan JANSSENS, Didier CARRON, Philippe MARIN, Philip GIANTRIS, Tom WILLIAMS. Performance-Based Contracts (PBC) for Improving Utilities Efficiency: Experiences and Perspectives, IWA Publishing.

Lætitia Guerin Schneider, Pierre-Louis Mayaux, Magalie Bourblanc, Marine Colon. 2016, Is there a sense of history in water services? Un modèle post-évolutionniste, Politiques et Management public, Institut de management public, 33 (1), pp.5-25. 〈_COPY1〉

Marine Colon, Laetitia Guerin-Schneider. 2015, The re-form of New Public Management and the creation of public values: compatible processes? An empirical-analysis of public water utilities. International Review of Administrative Sciences, SAGE Publications

Marine Colon.2014, Performance contracts in the Ugandan urban water sector, structures for the materialization of the market logic and supports for institutional work, PhD thesis in management,
Management and management. AgroParisTech. French.

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