A group of ten students accompanied by Gabrielle Rudi, AgroParisTech lecturer, Guillaume Juan from the Centre de Ressources Captages-OFB, and Johan Coulomb from Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole visited the Moulin de Juffet on Tuesday January 23.
Pierre Benau, the mill’s owner, and Philippe Gaffiero, president of the Forum de Montbazin association, were on hand to show the mill in operation. Gabrielle Rudi explained the reasons for such a visit:
“The students present today specialize in water, agriculture and climate change, and are interested in the mill project, not least because it will help develop new sectors, particularly for old varieties of cereals and pulses. “
These students will be looking at how to set up these sectors at local level. Of particular interest to them is the fact that these sectors are said to be “low-impact”, and that some of them will consume less water and even fewer agricultural inputs such as nitrogen fertilizers and pesticides. “This will help preserve water resources in the region.