About AgroParisTech - SUEZ chair

A partnership chair in management at the heart of shared economic and social goods

Our history

Ensuring access for all to quality water and sanitation in accordance with the standards in force in the country, and ensuring sustainable management of water resources represents a considerable challenge for public and private service operators, particularly in developing countries. The creation in 2009 of the “AgroParisTech-SUEZ” Chair is a response to the desire to help strengthen the skills of the managers at the head of these services. The Chair thus contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Objectives set by the UN.

The training courses that it creates and offers for this purpose are designed to respond to the specific problems of major urban water and sanitation services, particularly in the situation of emerging and developing countries.

We are a partnership Chair in the management of these services, in the service of shared economic and social goods.

Our major projects in the world since 2009

Achieved projects

The Water Trade School of Haiti

After the earthquake of January 2010, the Chair was willing to propose a FASEP project with the International Office for Water and ENGEES to study the feasibility of a School of Water and Liquid Sanitation at the national level in Haiti.

For professional purposes, a master plan was set up over 5 years, and a first program of 1 year over 2011 took place, graduating 45 young Haitian technicians.

This project, taken over by the National Professional Institute of Haiti, followed on from certification training courses and technical standardization frameworks.

Current projects


Developed with AFD on the Al Jazari Academy in Lahore, a project to train all managers and operational staff of WASAs (Pakistan’s Urban Water and Sanitation Services).

The Pan-African Capacity Building Programme

This programme, the result of a collaboration between France (AFD) and South Africa (DBSA), aimed to implement a continental training programme for African public service infrastructure managers. For its Water and Sanitation component, the Chair conducted studies to ensure the success of this project. 2iE in Ouagadougou, Makerere University in Kampala, and the University of Pretoria were our partners. This resulted in a 4-year programme with field immersions at ONEA (Burkina Faso) and NWSC (Kampala) in the pedagogical path of the Specialized Master’s degree.

AFD in Paris and the Southern Bank of Development of Africa in Johannesburg were the main stakeholders with ParisTech.


Developed with AFD: Capacity building for managers of urban water and sanitation services with the promotion of French economic influence in the following 13 countries: Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, India, Pakistan, China, Sri Lanka, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

Our field partners for this project: ESSEC Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, PPWSA: Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority, SRWSA: Siem Ream Water Supply Authority.

A worldwide presence since 2009


managers from 54 countries


middle-managers from 10 countries on 3 continents in short training session


Managing Directors from 27 countries


SPECIALIZED MASTER sessions in 2 languages over 15 years


concerned countries

about 500

professionals trained

more than 10

completed research projects


Scientific meetings

Our founding members


The Institute for Life and Environmental Sciences and Industries AgroParisTech is an international benchmark establishment, AgroParisTech is the European engineering and management grande école under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture, which responds to the major challenges of the 21st century: feeding people by managing territories sustainably, preserving natural resources and promoting innovation.

SUEZ Foundation

The SUEZ Foundation fosters inclusion by supporting projects that provide access to essential services for disadvantaged populations in developing countries.

With the Chair, the Foundation’s action is based on sharing and strengthening skills in developing countries.


An expert in the water and waste businesses for 160 years, present on 5 continents and with more than 90,000 employees, SUEZ puts all its capacity for innovation at the service of efficient and sustainable resource management and aims to be the leader in the resource revolution.

Our team

photo de jean antoine faby directeur de la chaire agro paris tech

Jean Antoine FABY

Chaire Director

Photo de Maria Magana, chargée de mission chez AgroParisTech


Academic Director

Lylian Coelho-arrivée OpT été 2020-2


Head of development

photo de willfried ligan responsable budgétaire chez agro paris tech

Willfried LIGAN

Budget and Project Manager

photo de sandra


Project Manager

photo de charlotte armant assistante agro paris tech

Charlotte ARMANT

MS OPT Coordinator

Our partners

Our partners share our values: in a context of accelerating urbanization and in view of the climate challenges and its consequences on the resource and the oceans, we intend to contribute mainly to goal number 6 “Access to safe water and sanitation”, by increasing the skills of managers of urban water and sanitation services, through training, knowledge sharing and contribution to research in the field.

Their contributions help to increase budgetary resources for fellowships for managers to be trained, and the means made available for research and partnerships towards the South.