Management and governance of major urban water and sanitation utilities

Management and governance of major urban water and sanitation utilities

Few cities in developing or emerging countries have a public drinking water service that is truly accessible to all and of good quality, and much less so for the sanitation service.

Numerous studies have been conducted by various research centres and development-related institutions to understand the causes and identify the keys to success. Yet, paradoxically, the operational world and the research world in these fields live largely separate: service managers and their public guardians are not familiar with this research, and very often researchers do not know the managers who have achieved exemplary transformations. Moreover, research on these subjects is often focused on performance indicators: yet they provide little information on the conditions for success; in these long-stepped processes, they are the result of a past trajectory that does not necessarily reflect the present situation. Other fields of research must then be called upon to understand: Common goods, Socio-economics, Urban planning …
The originality of this scientific meeting lies in the confrontation of these worlds: the operational world and the world of research, itself open to these various disciplines.

2nd scientific meeting – 19 September 2014