Euro-Africa Montpellier Water Days

A congress co-organized with the UNESCO water center ICIREWARD, directed by Eric Servat, in which AgroParisTech will be taking part.

A multi-stakeholder meeting in search of concrete solutions to the water management challenges facing African

and European metropolises.

A central question: How can we link urban growth, access to water and sanitation?

The aim of the first “Euro-Africa Montpellier Water Days” forum is to bring together players in the water sector in

the Mediterranean basin and the African continent, concerned by the issues and challenges of water in cities water

in the city, today and tomorrow, in order to learn from each other’s local experiences and to develop exchange

and interaction capabilities, networks and scientific, technical, economic and institutional partnerships,

networks, and scientific, technical, economic and institutional partnerships, so that together, in a spirit

of solidarity and efficiency, the challenges we face.

A meeting connected to other highlights of the period:

  • Medcities plenary session
  • University of Young Entrepreneurs
  • Futurapolis: the Point festival on the theme of water
  • Montpellier Capital Risk
  • Women for Future
  • Global Health Week


3 days of discussions to expose the reality and find solutions between players involved in the topic.

October 9 and 10 will focus on the following themes:

  • Climate change and hydrological risk
  • Urbanisation of Mediterranean and African megacities
  • Access to water’ Sanitation and health
  • Urban and peri-urban agriculture
  • Governance
  • Water and gender
  • Looking back at the United Nations Water Conference (March 2023)

Depending on the topic, the round tables and workshops planned will bring together :

  • Scientists: 40 Mediterranean, African and European scientists are expected to attend.
  • Companies from the Mediterranean, European and African private sectors: 30 company representatives are expected’
  • Institutions and decision-makers: 40 representatives of local, regional, national, Mediterranean, African or European governments are invited to take part in the various round tables’
  • International organisations: 40 representatives of various international organisations and associations are invited to take part
  • Representatives and UNESCO Chairs: 20 people are invited to take part in the round tables

The event is finished.


09 - 10 Oct 2023


8:00 am - 6:00 pm

