
Our partners are aware that the achievement of the Chair’s ambitious objectives is dependant on the proper allocation of knowledge in management, experience,
and expert training.

Founding members

Our values

Within the 2 pillars of TEACHING and RESEARCH, the values of the trainers, coaches and instructors, researchers, and the pedagogical and research team to which the activities are attached bring together:

  • Professionalism, open-mindedness and humility in the face of the complex challenges that our trainees and managers have to overcome in the field in Southern countries.
  • Commitments of which “Water and Sanitation for All” is a symbol to offer to all urban populations in the cities of the South, whatever their conditions, access to water and sanitation that will lead them to daily dignity.
  • Knowledge sharing, building trust with our trainees, managers and researchers. Listening and abnegation to support our trainees towards greater responsibilities as public service managers.

With ethics and integrity, we consider that the keys to change are also the leadership and management values of a company that leads all human resources to success and sustainable performance.

Our partners


The governance of the Chair is based on its Strategic Policy Board, its Orientation Advisory Board, its Pedagogical Board and its Scientific Board.

These respective bodies meet 1 to 4 times a year. They examine the results and progress of training programmes, the resources allocated for training, the implementation of research projects and events. There is a coherent and close monitoring of the situation based on an integrated action plan.

Become a partner

The Chair is open to partnerships in teaching and research.

In this respect, specific criteria are examined for each partnership.

For Teaching, the reputation and excellence of a partner in terms of the transfer of knowledge in management, particularly in public service management, and with international and executive dimensions, are key strengths.These opportunities are considered according to the Chair’s strategic axes

For Research, the institutions involved in our themes, wishing to build projects in the field in our areas of application and in developing or emerging countries, will meet the same criteria. We favour centres of excellence in the South within such a framework.

Financial partners or sponsors are eligible to collaborate and support our programs. Such approaches are examined by the COS and the founding members if they correspond to the general orientations.

Academic partners in the South

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana

University of Nairobi, Kenya

Phnom Penh Institute of Technology, Cambodia

Al-Jazari Academy, Lahore, Pakistan

University of Lomé, Togo

University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin

Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal

Professional partners

French Development Agency

Agence de l’Eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

PAM St Gobain in Pont-à-Mousson

African Water and Sanitation Association


Contact Us

In order to contribute, together, to the sustainable development goals

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