Project and process management

Be able to carry out effective flow diagnostics and manage projects in a collaborative manner


The AgroParisTech Chair “SUEZ – General Management of Urban Water and Sanitation Services” through its ADVANCED MASTER “Water for All” – OpT offers short training courses made up of 30 modules. They are on-line or face-to-face modules.

They can be grouped by Thematic Unit such as:

  1. “Management, strategy and leadership” – 12 modules
  2. “Governance, institutions and economics” – 9 modules
  3. “Social, environmental and territorial engineering” – 9 modules

In 2025, deux specialized Thematic Units:

  • Water: 11 modules
  • Sanitation: 12 modules

These short courses will enable you to acquire more knowledge and know-how on subjects specific to your water and/or wastewater service, or to the sector in the broadest sense.

They are given  in English.

The teaching is done by professionals with at least 10 years of international experience in the field.

For whom?

For professionals in the water and/or sanitation sector
  • Executive Directors
  • Head of services
  • Operational Directors
  • Financial Directors
  • Executive Officers
  • Managers
  • Engineers
  • Project managers

Training benefits

The Water for All Chair proposes specialized thematic sessions on urban services, around Water and Sanitation. They bring together experts from the sector and are open to all professionals working in water and sanitation services.

Come and learn about the operational management of your unit and its operating processes, acquire new practices and new tools.

Ability to define and manage projects effectively


Introduction to project management software


Introduction to process management as well as to a generic method

training benefits


Acquire tools that will help you to carry out your project management and process management


The objectives:

  • To understand the value of a standardized approach to project management
  • Understand the logic of project deployment in the company
  • Be able to define and manage projects effectively (an action plan being a special case)
  • Be able to deepen a piloting software

The content:

  • Definitions
  • The different types of projects and their deployment in the company
  • Project management processes (specification, planning, control, execution, closing)
  • The tools of the method
  • Introduction to open source project management software


The objectives:

  • To understand the interest of the company’s transversal approach
  • Be able to deepen the basic methodology
  • Be able to carry out a flow diagnosis with some basic specific tools
  • Be able to prioritize improvements

The content:

  • The dynamics of flows in the company
  • Introduction to systemic
  • Introduction to process management and a generic method
  • Process diagnosis (basic tools)

Daniel LECOEUVRE is a Certified Engineer in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM by APICS) and Project Management (Georgetown University of Washington). He has over 50 years of experience in managing people, projects, and in sharing his industrial knowledge with various audience. He is independent teacher in public and private universities and in enterprises. He is lecturing on global supply chain management, change management, organization, quality and project management. Previously, as international consultant with I.C.G. he has led projects in a wide range of enterprises and has successfully introduced improvements in cost, responsiveness and quality together with process simplifications. He began his career with I.B.M. where he has successfully managed departments and projects in their strategies and operations during more than 25 years. He is an engineer graduated in electronic and mechanic sciences. He received certifications CPIM in the American Production and Inventory Control Society and Project Management in The George Washington University. He created numerous organization tools and wrote scientific papers with IBM and Technique De L’Ingénieur.


Ph. Doctorate in Econometrics Sciences, Catherine SILVESTRI-GUR is an independent consultant, expert in decision sciences. She’s working since 12 years as project leader for ACNielsen, AXA, AXCIOM, BNP Leasing, Ernst and Young, EDF …. She’s doing research and development: programming complex statistics methods, data-mining models, and CRM analytics studies. She developed these last years, specific skills in scoring, segmentation for Business Intelligence, and project management. She’s teaching in French universities and high school since 2004:  University of Pantheon-Assas (Paris 2), Master ISF « Methods and scoring technics», SUPINFO Paris, Master 1 et 2 « Business Intelligence with Oracle BI Publisher and Qlikview », Institut Mines Telecom Business School Evry, MSC Marketing « Data Analysis avec SAS Enterprise Guide », ISEM Montpellier, Master IRC « Methods of Data-mining with SAS V9 », Business School Montpellier, Ecole des Mines d’Alès, Ecole des Avocats de Montpellier  EFACS…


hébergement hotel

Hotel Héliotel **

Close to AgroParisTech Montpellier center

Appart’Hôtel Odalys City Les Occitanes ****

  • Close to Montpellier St Roch railway station in the city center
  • AgroParisTech has a special rate of 70 euros/night (excluding breakfast and city taxes))

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