Climate scientists expect a greater evaporation on the ocean surface
Climate change is throwing Earth’s water cycle severely out of whack. According to new satellite data, freshwaters are growing fresher and salt waters are growing saltier at an increasingly rapid rate all around the world. If this pattern continues, it will turbocharge rainstorms.
The findings indicate a severe acceleration of the global water cycle – a sign that isn’t as clearly observed in direct salinity measurements from ocean buoys, which typically measure a little below the surface of the ocean. However, it’s commonly predicted in climate models.
As global temperatures increase, climate scientists expect there will be greater evaporation on the ocean surface, which will make the top layer of the sea saltier and add moisture to the atmosphere.
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Le cycle de l’Eau s’accélère
Satellite view of Hurricane Dorian in 2019. (Roberto Machado Noa/Getty Images)