Innovative Approaches to Water Utility Performance

Innovative Approaches to Water Utility Performance

The round tables of this first scientific meeting brought together some twenty internationally renowned speakers.

The researchers were able to compare their work with the experiences of managers who have left their mark on the transformation of major urban water and sanitation services. Among them:

Ek Sonn Chan, who transformed the Phnom Penh Water Authority,
Mamadou Dia, General Manager of the Sénégalaise des Eaux and former President of the African Water Union,
Harouna Ouibiga, Director General of ONEA of Burkina Faso,
Thierry Dezenclos, Director of Operations at Société des Eaux et de l’Assainissement d’Alger.

They discussed three main themes:

The performance of water services: a multi-dimensional concept
Innovating in the evaluation of the performance of water and sanitation services
Non-governmental stakeholders: what support for the transformation of water and sanitation services?

1st Scientific Meeting – April 25, 2013